Welcome to ddPCR World 2024! ​

Check-In and Create a Password.

To access the event, you need to check-in by providing your email, name, and creating a password. This ensures seamless access and re-entry in case of disconnection.

To re-enter the virtual event after a break or disconnection, click here.


To access the event, you need to check-in by providing your email, name, and creating a password. This ensures seamless access and re-entry in case of disconnection.

Creating a password ensures seamless access and re-entry in case of disconnection during the event.​

If you've already created a profile, click here to log in.

If you've forgotten your password, click here to reset it via email.

For technical support, click here for our Technical FAQ. Need more help? Email us.

Note: Internet Explorer is not supported for viewing the live broadcast. A list of supported browsers can be found here.