Rodney Roberts

Rodney Roberts is an exoneree who spent 17 years wrongfully convicted and incarcerated in New Jersey state prisons. In 1996 he was arrested and convicted in his hometown Newark, New Jersey. Rodney plead guilty after being coerced by his public defendant, who wrongfully advised him to take the plea of seven years in order to come home in two years, or spend the rest of his life in prison. Throughout Rodney’s wrongful imprisonment he diligently studied law, while working in the law library for 16 years, where he took paralegal correspondence courses. During this time, he also helped numerous inmates with post relief challenges to their convictions and/or sentences and was successful in getting relief for several of them. Also, in the time between working in the law library and taking correspondence courses, he completed his bachelor’s degree in Logistics at University of South Carolina via college correspondences. Upon his release Rodney continued to work in the legal field using his expertise in post convictions relief challenges and lobbying for change in legislation. He dedicated his life to shedding light on the crisis of wrongful convictions through the help of the Innocence Project and other platforms.