Lunch & Keynote: Standing in Our Power: A Conversation on Building Community & Catalyzing Change by Formerly Incarcerated Leaders

Formerly incarcerated leaders Norris Henderson of the Voice of the Experienced (VOTE) in Louisiana, Daryl Atkinson of Forward Justice in North Carolina, and Desmond Meade of Florida Rights Restoration Coalition (FRRC) in Florida are building the power of formerly incarcerated peoples (FIP) through community organizing, civic engagement, and policy advocacy. Norris, Daryl, and Desmond, upon their release from prison, focused on upending the stigma and marginalization of FIP. FIP face restrictions in housing, education, financial assistance, voting, holding public office, and obtaining professional licenses. Knowing how people closest to the problem are closest to the solution, Norris, Daryl, and Desmond believe that social movements necessary for transformative change must be led by and involve those most affected. They will each discuss how they found and built their respective organizations to advance racial, social, economic justice and expand democratic opportunities for FIP.