Marvin Anderson
Full Name
Marvin Anderson
Speaker Bio

Marvin Anderson became the 99th person in the United States to be exonerated due to post-conviction DNA testing. In December 2001, Mr. Anderson went to prison for robbery, forcible sodomy, abduction, and two counts of rape that he did not commit in 1983. He was released after 15 years and faced lifetime parole. He became a client of the Innocence Project in 1994, and DNA testing results in 2001 excluded him as the perpetrator. On August 21, 2002, Virginia Gov. Mark Warner granted Mr. Anderson, who had spent a total of 19 years in prison and on parole while fighting for his innocence, a full pardon. Mr. Anderson now lives and works in Hanover, VA, where he is the former District Chief of the Hanover Courthouse Volunteer Fire Company. Mr. Anderson joined the Innocence Project Board of Directors in 2012. He is also the liaison to the Innocence Project Exoneree Advisory Council and currently serves on the Audit Committee. He is also a Lead Conference Ambassador.