Heidi Goodwin
Full Name
Heidi Goodwin
Speaker Bio

Heidi Goodwin spent nearly a decade wrongfully convicted of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), a diagnosis that has since been widely discredited as junk science, and in the case against Heidi, it was determined that a crime never occurred. Heidi serves on the advisory councils for both Exonerated Nation and Healing Justice, where she has been trained in rigorous peer support and leadership skills. Heidi joined the Washington Innocence Project in 2021 to lead their client support efforts. Additionally, she sits on numerous Innocence Network committees and serves as an Innocent Network Conference Lead Ambassador, a program she helped to conceive and develop. In the spring of 2023, Heidi was elected to the Innocence Network Executive Board, where she brings her unique lived experience as a directly-impacted stakeholder to the board's diverse table of voices.