LaTonya Myers
Full Name
LaTonya Myers
Speaker Bio

LaTonya Myers is the founder of the grassroots service and advocacy organization, Above All Odds. By channeling her lived experience and working to uplift the voices of her neighbors, she is fiercely dedicated to transforming the criminal justice system, supporting returning citizens, and empowering communities which have experienced historical disinvestment and disproportionate targeting by law enforcement. Her story was featured in the PBS docu-series, Philly DA, prompting the Los Angeles Times to declare her a “breakout star.” She is the recipient of numerous awards, including the 2021 Reebok Human Rights Award and the 2019 City of Philadelphia Rising Leader of the Year Award. Most recently Myers led a successful commutation campaign for Knard Short, resulting in his release after serving 42 years of a life-without-parole sentence.