Dinyar Marzban
Full Name
Dinyar Marzban
Speaker Bio

Dinyar Marzban is a leading family lawyer in British Columbia, practicing all aspects of family law, including mediation, trial, and appellate work. Called to the bar in 1982 and appointed King’s Counsel in 2004, he now limits his practice to acting as a family law mediator, most often retained to resolve cases involving high incomes and complex financial issues. Dinyar has contributed to family law reform, legal education and pro bono work. He is an ongoing volunteer with Access Pro Bono and has volunteered for Rise/ Women’s Legal Centre. His other career highlights include starting the Supreme Court pro bono family mediation service, chairing the Vancouver Family Law Subsection of the Canadian Bar Association, and serving on the board for Legal Aid BC from 2014 to 2020. Dinyar is a Fellow of both the American College of Trial Lawyers and International Society of Barristers.