Sid Ratkiewicz - Common Cents Lab at the Center for Advanced Hindsight
Robin Kolvek - VisiFI

Building short-term savings is a crucial component of improving and maintaining financial health, but this is a struggle for many individuals and families. With support from BlackRock through their Emergency Savings Initiative (ESI), Inclusiv and several of our member credit unions participated in research experiments that sought to make savings easier by building savings opportunities into 3 distinct financial products and processes (designed by the Common Cents Lab (CCL), an applied financial behavior research lab within the Center for Advanced Hindsight at Duke University.)
Direct deposit
Auto loan payment
In-branch check deposit/cashing
Join us for a panel presentation by CCL of the results for the 3 research projects. The Common Cents Lab will be joined by Commonwealth (a national nonprofit dedicated to building financial security) who will share their own exciting ESI project findings from their experiments with fintechs and financial institutions. The panelists will also share key insights focused on how Community Development Credit Unions (CDCUs) can use these research findings to help their credit union members more easily increase their short-term savings.