Winona Nava - Guadalupe Credit Union (GCU)
Maurice R. Smith - Local Government FCU
Clifford N. Rosenthal - Opportunity Knocks$

With 500 institutions serving near 20 million consumers, the Community Development Credit Union (CDCU) movement has never been stronger. This evolution has been the result of the commitment, dedication, and work of leaders who built the strong foundations from which our movement has flourished to make ever-increasing impacts in the communities we serve. It is because of their legacy that government agencies, philanthropic organizations, community-based organizations, and local governments are looking at CDCUs as effective, sustainable, and trusted partners to combat the systemic barriers to closing the racial equity gap and increase financial security. With a track record of almost half a century in community and economic development, the Inclusiv network is proud to be the advocate for CDCUs and other mission-driven organizations and agencies interested in leveraging the CDCU business model. During this panel, CDCU leaders will reflect on this historic moment, talk about their community impact, and share their vision to expand our collective footprint to create a more equitable future for all.