Innocence, the United Nations, and International Law: An Update

Thanks to the work of many of our friends and partners around the globe, some arms of the United Nations have, in the past year, taken notice of innocence issues important to our community. Several decisions and reports have been issued that begin to speak of the right to post-conviction DNA testing, the right to overturn convictions with new evidence of innocence, and the right to compensation after exoneration all as "universal human rights" derived from existing rights such as the right to a fair trial. While these developments might not have an immediate impact in the United States, as the US does not broadly follow international law in most contexts, it can have watershed effects in many countries around the world who are bound by international treaties or who follow international law in their domestic courts. Further development of these rights abroad can then have rebound benefits in the US. This panel will discuss these developments and what the future of this movement holds.