“They May Have Caged Our Bodies, But They Can't Cage Our Minds": Understanding and Addressing Mental Health Issues Surrounding Wrongful Convictions

This panel will be hosted by exonerees from across the country and the therapist that works directly with the Organization of Exonerees. During this informative session, exonerees will discuss how their mental health was affected by their wrongful convictions and what they did to maintain their sanity and keep hope while serving time for crimes they did not commit. They will discuss how family and friends can help their loved ones, who may be currently serving time for crimes they did not commit, keep their minds free despite their bodies being caged. The exonerees will also discuss post relief and re-entry issues that continue to plague their mental health, triggers from being wrongfully convicted that continue to affect them in their daily lives and relationships, and how they address these issues with the help of mental health experts.