Clarence Okoh
Full Name
Clarence Okoh
Speaker Bio

Clarence Okoh is a civil rights attorney and racial justice advocate whose work addresses the impact of mass criminalization, algorithmic racism, and economic divestment in Black communities, with a particular focus on Black youth and young adults. Clarence is Senior Policy Counsel at the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), where he leads the organization’s cross-team policy agenda to advance abolitionist approaches to community safety by challenging systems that surveil and punish economically marginalized Black, brown, and Indigenous youth and their communities. He is also an inaugural member of the Just Tech Fellows at the Social Science Research Council. In this capacity Clarence leads an interdisciplinary advocacy project that blends legal research and analysis, public policy advocacy, and public education strategies to challenge the use of algorithmic technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), that criminalize Black and brown youth and systematically violate their civil and human rights.