Michael Pinard
Full Name
Michael Pinard
Speaker Bio

Michael Pinard is the Francis & Harriet Iglehart Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the Gibson-Banks Center for Race and the Law. He writes and teaches broadly about race, intersectionality, and the criminal legal system, including the criminalization of race; policing; incarceration; criminal records; exclusionary school discipline of K-12 students; and the intersectional harms of the criminal and civil legal systems. Pinard currently teaches the Youth, Education, and Justice Clinic, in which he and his students represent children who have been pushed out of school through suspension, expulsion, and other means as well as individuals serving life sentences for offenses that occurred when they were children or young adults. Pinard is an active member of various working and advisory groups, including the Maryland Equitable Justice Collaborative, a partnership between the Maryland Office of the Attorney General and the Public Defender to address mass incarceration.