2023 Annual Conference
April 14-15, 2023 | Phoenix, Arizona | Arizona Grand Resort & Spa
Health & Safety Information
We are looking forward to gathering again at the Innocence Network Conference April 14 -15, 2023. We are also committed to mitigating the inherent risks associated with large in-person gatherings and implementing health and safety protocols that protect the Innocence Network community. With your cooperation and the collaboration of our venue partners at the Arizona Grand Hotel & Spa, we are confident we can have a safe and memorable conference this year. Please read on to learn more about what to expect at the 2023 Innocence Network Conference at the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa in Phoenix, AZ.
We appreciate your support and cooperation. The Network Support Unit will continue to monitor the situation and will communicate any changes or updates as necessary. Please reach out to Meredith Kennedy or Cait Murray if you have any questions.
In order to protect the health and safety of all conference attendees, particularly the most vulnerable members of our community, we ask that each attendee provide proof of full vaccination (as defined by the CDC) during the conference registration process. The request that attendees provide proof of vaccination when they register is not intended to exclude any members of our community; rather it is an effort to ensure that this event is as safe as possible.
Conference registration will remain open until the morning of Monday, April 10, 2023. If an individual plans to become vaccinated against COVID-19 in time to attend the 2023 Innocence Network Conference, they will need to have received their first dose of a two-dose series (such as Pfizer or Moderna) by March 3, 2023 and their second dose of a two-dose series OR their only dose of a single-dose vaccination (such as Johnson & Johnson) by March 24, 2023.
If an individual requires an exception to this policy, they must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 48 hours of onsite check-in at the conference. Both PCR and rapid test results will be accepted.
If you are unable to provide proof of full vaccination and plan to provide proof of a negative test in order to gain entry into the conference, please come to the check-in desk in the Grand Ballroom Foyer with your test already completed. Attendees will not be permitted to administer self-tests in the conference check-in area for the safety of other attendees and conference check-in volunteers. If you arrive at check-in with a test that has not yet been performed, you will be asked to return to your room to administer your self-test before you can pick up your conference name badge and other materials.
Walk-in registration will not be permitted under any circumstances this year. All attendees must register in advance for the conference online and provide proof of vaccination, or agree to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test, no later than the morning of Monday, April 10th.
Masks are optional, but encouraged in all indoor conference areas. Surgical masks will be available at the check-in desks.
The Arizona Grand is situated on a large property with lots of outdoor space. Attendees will have the option to eat indoors or outdoors, depending on comfort and preference. Hotel rooms are connected by open-air, outdoor hallways. Additionally, the venue has committed to an ongoing heightened cleaning and disinfection protocols. Hand sanitizing stations will be made available throughout the conference and venue.
All attendees, exhibitors, and speakers can indicate their preference for social distancing once they arrive on site in Phoenix using a color-coded wristband system (see below). This system will allow everyone to indicate their comfort around contact with others.

Individuals who experience any of the following within 5 days of the start of the conference should not attend:
- Fever, cough, or shortness of breath
- Exposure to a confirmed case of COVID-19
- A COVID-19 diagnosis that has not yet been cleared as non-contagious by public health authorities
In any of these cases, a full refund will be issued up to the day the conference begins (April 14, 2023). If you must cancel your conference registration for a reason other than illness, a full refund will be given as long as the request is made within 10 days before the start of the conference (so by April 4, 2023).