Building an Ecosystem of Support for the Wrongfully Convicted and Their Loved Ones

This session introduces Life After Justice's National Survey of the Wrongfully Convicted and Their Loved Ones – a groundbreaking research project led by those directly impacted by wrongful convictions. By centering voices with firsthand experience, this research gives a real look into the unique challenges faced by wrongfully convicted individuals after coming home, from rebuilding lives to handling complex personal and social struggles. Through early findings from focus groups, we highlight the pressing, often unaddressed needs of those seeking more than survival post-release. The insights from this project are essential for driving systemic change within the innocence community, helping to build pathways to true empowerment and comprehensive support, where individuals can truly thrive rather than merely survive. This session sheds light on how an impact-driven approach can inspire policies and programs that foster long-term resilience and well-being for those coming home.